jr dixon walkathon

The Jr Dixon Foundation will be hosting its 10th annual walk-a-thon & health-fair on April 9, from 8am until 4pm at St. Andrews Recreational Center located at 8701 S St. Andrews Place La, Ca 90047.

Our theme is “Walking today so that others can walk tomorrow,” said a spokesperson for the event.

“The Jr Dixon Foundation has been in existence since 2005 and was founded in recognition of Burley L. Dixon Jr. The foundation was created to assist children and veterans with their prosthetic needs. We at the Jr Dixon Foundation seek to honor the spirit and life of a true humanitarian. Burley’s legacy of giving will not die with him but will live on in those who love him and in those whom we can help with our foundation,” they said.

The annual event will include a variety of community organizations and groups in an effort to increase health awareness. The health-fair will have vendors from Aids Healthcare Foundation, Cedars Sinai Coach for Kids, Women of Color, La County Voter Registration, LA Health Dept., Veterans Administration, KJLH Radio, King Medical Group, Regent Medical Group, and a host of others. There will be on-site testing and educational material will be available so please come out for a day of walking for a wonderful cause. In addition to the annual walk-a-thon & health-fair, participants who come out will have the opportunity to register to vote for our upcoming presidential election and meet our local veteran’s, councilman and representatives.

There will be several raffle drawings on the day of the event and we will have booths available for rent.

They will be giving away free hot dogs & drinks and Coach for Kids will be giving away toys for the kids.

For more information or those who would like to participate as a vendor or a walker, contact Virginia Underwood at 310-531-6094 or Ilsie Dixon at 877-259-4497,  e-mail jrdixonfoundation@hotmail.com  mail to P.O. Box 431065 La, Ca 90043. Send monetary donations to the foundation or donate toys, games and books for their annual toy drive.