Carolyn Faulkner (Courtesy photo)

Carolyn Faulkner is an unsung shero in the faith community. Long active in many local faith-based organizations, she quietly and consistently focuses her time and talents on sharing God’s Word with believers and non-believers alike.

Previously the director of Christian Education at Evening Star Missionary Baptist Church, Faulkner currently serves as president of the Senior Women’s Missionary Union of the Fellowship Baptist District Association as well as participates in leadership positions in other groups.

In addition to her religious endeavors, Faulkner worked for 33 years as a sales representative in the wholesale drugs industry. She is also a graduate of Golden Gate Theological Seminary and Los Angeles Bible Training School.

The following is an edited interview with Carolyn Faulkner.

What are your duties as president of the Senior Women’s Missionary Union?  My main duties include teaching and training women for kingdom work, leading them in doing the work and helping them grow spiritually. It’s a hard job, but somebody’s got to do it (laughing)

What impact has this ministry had on the community?  Presently, we are helping the homeless population in our communities by distributing winter coats to men, women and children keep them warm. We also share the word of God with them, provide showers and hot food for them at one of our local churches and help with housing, jobs, etc.  Before the coronavirus crisis, we ministered at convalescent homes by holding worship services and passing out gifts and cards, especially on Mother’s Day.

What are other areas that you enjoy working in?  I truly enjoy mission ministry and advocating for home and foreign missions. Also, I serve as president of both the Baptist Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows Union of L.A. & Vicinity, and the Gardena Valley & Vicinity Ministers” Wives & Ministers’ Widows Sisterhood Connection along with serving as a Bible teachers for the California Missionary Baptist State Convention Ministers’ Wives and Ministers’ Widows Ministry.

What motivates you to share your time and talents?  There are so many people still lost and being left behind. We must educate their minds, give them hope, encourage their efforts, applaud their successes and help wherever we can, with whatever is needed within our power to give. Praise God that there is help for the “ journey” and it is in Christ Jesus.

Dr. Kathye Jenkins contributed to article.