Today more people are going into business for themselves as becoming an entrepreneur is proving more beneficial to most. While the focus could easily be lost on making money or pitching your brand, Briana “Bebe” Binion is a firm believer on building relationships and sharing success.
“Always, from an early age, I really loved to communicate with people and build relationships,” said Binion. “I was always really, really good at it.”
Originally from Compton, CA, Binion claims most of South Los Angeles as her home. After high school, she found herself going in a different direction than most college bound youth. Binion decided to try a different path to success.
“As far as going to work and going to college and getting a good job—I really didn’t know what I wanted to do at that time,” said Binion. “So that didn’t really appeal to me.”
Trade school was another option but Binion knew that wasn’t in line with what she felt she was passionate about. She ended up joining a network marketing company and found herself in an encouraging environment.
“What I saw there really impressed me,” said Binion. “I saw a lot of average and ordinary people, who just had regular nine-to-five jobs achieving success that was just so relatable, so touchable, so connected—so realistic for someone like me.”
Binion’s time in network marketing had her selling insurance but gaining invaluable knowledge and personal development.
“Entrepreneurship is essentially personal development in disguise,” said Binion “and especially for average and ordinary people to run your own business and make multiple figures—you’re really going to have-to-have a lot of personal development.
“That’s what I love about entrepreneurship—it gives the average and ordinary person the personal development that they need to have success in their life which is not really taught in most institutions.”
Building her experience for seven years in network marketing, Binion wanted to improve her communications skills and add to her tools. Her search led her through many avenues one of which was a training course in Neuro-linguistic programming.
Today, Binion is a Master Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner, licensed under Richard Bandlers Trainers NLP-Society, works with Lisa Nichols at Motivating the Masses and Motivating the Teen Spirit and is a Mindset and Communication Trainer. Binion eventually decided to branch off on her own and share her knowledge with others.
“I decided I could do this on my own and bring this information back to the community, for people who really need it, apply this to schools for children to know how their minds work and how important communication skills are and it just really brought me back to my full passion,” said Binion.
Binion has begun taking her messages of hope and inspiration through human engagement and awareness to Youtube, Facebook and other social media.
“I’m an empowerment entrepreneur,” said Binion in correction to being called a life coach. “An empowerment entrepreneur mentors people who are like-minded into their greatness.
“They are a leader that you can see, touch and relate to that empowers you to do something extraordinary that you wouldn’t have done had you not had that connection.
She currently partners with multiple organizations to give training courses in schools and companies.
“Ultimately, business is relationships and if you know how to maintain and create successful healthy relationships then the sky is the limit,” said Binion
“I think that sometimes when we take what we’re passionate about and try to merge it with a business idea to make income off what we love to do, sometimes that aspect of who we are gets lost.
“You feel like you have to pitch everybody into your business [when] business and networking—is just really being authentic in who you are and what position you are in at that moment.”
One of Binion’s biggest points is in sharing your success with others. She believes that everyone has an answer to someone else’s question or a solution to the problem. She believes that by sharing knowledge, everyone can help each other reach their potential.
“I believe success should be shared,” said Binion. “I just find putting the value out there for people who do want it and giving them the secret so they feel that they can succeed is the key to success.
“Just give it to them—give away everything that you have to help somebody succeed and when they see that you really care about their success more than money—they’ll be ready to work with you.”
You can find Briana Binion on Facebook at Briana Binion @topnotchcommunication and on Youtube and Twitter.