Thousands of dollars in resources were made available to Veterans, and community members at the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) for Veterans Clinic, sponsored by California State University, Northridge’s (CSUN) Volunteer Income Tax Assistance for Veterans Clinic, and co-sponsored by the United States Veterans Initiative (U.S. VETS), Department of Veterans Affairs, South Bay Workforce Investment Board, South Bay One Stop, the Salvation Army, and Citi. California State Board of Equalization Member Jerome E. Horton was the Grand Marshall for the event and provided information presentation on how to maximize millions in refundable tax credits, and other tax planning strategies. The event took place at the U.S. VETS Center in Inglewood on Saturday, March 24, 2018.
The VITA for Veterans clinic provided access to information on employment, housing, and educational opportunities for veterans and the neighboring public, who were also able to claim up to $9,093 in refundable earned income tax credits. Veterans were advised on property tax exemptions and first-time homebuyer and down payment resources to help them become self-sufficient.
“For 25 years U.S.VETS in Inglewood has been involved in the successful transition of military veterans and their families through the provision of housing, counseling, career development, and comprehensive support. We can now add tax preparation services to that list. More importantly, we appreciate the opportunity to partner with CSUN and the State Board of Equalization to service veterans from the community and not simply those who are enrolled in our programs,” said Ms. Akilah Templeton, U.S. VETS Executive Director.
The U.S. VETS Center in Inglewood provides affordable housing and supportive services to over 600 veterans along a continuum of care that includes transitional housing, long-term supported housing (LTSH) and permanent housing. Reduced rents vary according to program but can be as low as $515 for someone in LTSH and 30% of a veteran’s income for permanent housing units. More information on the U.S. VETS Center in Inglewood is available at https://www.usvetsinc.org/inglewood/.
The state and federal Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC) can provide up to $9,093 in refundable tax credits if you qualify. The federal EITC is available to households with adjusted gross income (AGI) of up to $53,930, and the state EITC is available to California households with AGI of up to $22,302. To learn more about these valuable resources, visit https://www.ftb.ca.gov/individuals/faq/net/900.shtml
Additional VITA for Veterans Clinics are scheduled during March and April in Los Angeles and Lancaster. Appointments are highly recommended, but not required. For more information and to schedule an appointment, visit the CSUN VITA for Veterans Clinic website: https://www.csun.edu/bookstein-institute/vita-veterans.
“I strongly encourage veterans to participate in one of the CSUN VITA for Veterans Clinics, which provides free tax help to not only low-income veterans, but is also open to the public, who may need assistance in preparing and filing their tax returns and claiming the refundable state and federal Earned Income Tax Credits,” Member Horton said.