Washington DC’s own, Anthony “Tony” Browder makes history as the first African American to lead and fund an archeological excavation project in Egypt. In May 2018, Mr. Browder, his daughter Atlantis Tye Browder, and the ASA Restoration Project excavation team discovered 2700-year-old Kushite artifacts that were recently installed in the Egyptian Museum in Luxor. Mr. Browder and his team are continuing the difficult work of bringing to light ancient knowledge that will dramatically change our understanding of Nile Valley history and culture forever.
A Rich Legacy
Anthony Browder has an extensive portfolio as a celebrated cultural historian, Egyptian archeologist, author, and educational consultant. He is a Howard University graduate who lives in Washington DC. Two of his most recent noteworthy accomplishments include the 10-year anniversary of the ASA Restoration Project and the upcoming 2018 Kemetamorphosis Conference.
ASA Restoration Project Celebrates its 10th Anniversary
This year is the 10th anniversary of the ASA Restoration Project that was established to honor the late Dr. Asa G. Hilliard III, an esteemed psychologist, historian, master teacher, and author who was internationally recognized for his outstanding scholarship regarding ancient Egyptian history.
Following in the tradition of Dr. Hilliard, Mr. Browder and his team have made significant discoveries that will change our understanding of Egyptian history and culture:
- He is currently excavating and restoring two 25th dynasty Nubian Kushite Tombs built 2700 years ago for the Kushite noblemen and priest Karakhamun and Karabasken the mayor of Luxor and assumed member of the Royal Kushite Family.
- Karakhamun’s Tomb is over three times the size of King Tut’s tomb and contains priceless literary and architectural treasures.
- Atlantis Browder was the first African American to enter Karakhamun’s burial chamber; where a 20,000 pound, red granite sarcophagus was discovered.
- This year he discovered a complete set of limestone canopic jars in the Karabasken Tomb of a Kushite princess known as “Amenirdis-Lady of the House” that are on display in the Luxor Museum in Egypt.
Mr. Browder’s work is celebrated throughout the world from Egypt to America as the first African American to engage in such a historic undertaking.

2018 Kemetamorphosis Conference Features Prominent African Centered Scholars, Lecturers, Artists, and Musicians
Join Mr. Browder for a community gathering to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the ASA Restoration Project at the 2018 Kemetamorphosis Conference on December 7 – 9th in Washington DC.
- Friday December 7th – ASA Restoration 10th Anniversary Gala with a Tribute to Dr. Asa G. Hilliard and concert with Grammy nominated artist Maimouna Youssef, Brother Ah, and Ka’ba Soulsinger, 5:30 pm to 11:00 pm, Union Temple Baptist Church, 1225 W Street SE, Washington, DC 20020.
- Saturday December 8th – Lecture series on African history and culture with Anthony Browder, Atlantis Browder, Dr. Patricia Newton, Dr. Charles Finch, Runoko Rashidi, Gina Paige, and Sounds by Konshens the MC, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, Thurgood Marshall Center, 1816 12th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009.
- Sunday December 9th – Lecture series on African expression and spirituality with Professor James Small, Dr. Charles Finch, Amir Jamal Toure’ J.D., and others, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Thurgood Marshall Center, 1816 12th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009.

Purchase Tickets to the 2018 Kemetamorphosis Conference
Purchase tickets online @: https://ikgculturalresourcecenter.com/ikg-store/conferences/kemetamorphosis-tickets/
Donate to the ASA Restoration Project – to Ensure the Legacy Continues
The ASA Restoration Project is raising funds to continue the excavation and restoration work of the 25th dynasty tombs in Luxor Egypt. The grand opening is planned for 2023. We hope you see the historical significance of this work by making a tax deductable financial donation.
You may donate online at: https://ikgculturalresourcecenter.com/asa-restoration-project/