Participants in the Lenten Caravan were (from left,
front) Rev. Dr. Clyde Oden, Jarvis Emerson, Bishop
T. Larry Kirkland, Rev. Cedric Alexander, Rev.
Shirley LaCour (back) Rev. Dr. Elmer Redding,
Rev. Dr. Allen Williams, Rev. John Cager,
Rev. Darryl Walker, and Rev. Dr. Kelvin Calloway.
(photo by C.J. Fossett)
By Cora Jackson-Fossett
Sentinel Religion Editor
Six A.M.E. churches concluded their Community Lenten Caravan on April 13 with high praise to God and big donations to two outreach organizations serving the greater Los Angeles area.
The annual event drew a capacity crowd to Bethel A.M.E. Church in South L.A. including Bishop T. Larry Kirkland Sr., presiding prelate of the 5th Episcopal District of the A.M.E. Church, and members of Bryant Temple, First – Pasadena, New Philadelphia, Price Chapel, and Second A.M.E. Churches.
“Each week during the Lenten season, we come together as one in Christ, to just praise the Lord and lift the name of Jesus,” said Bethel Pastor Kelvin T. Calloway. “We also use this occasion to make a positive witness to community-based organizations who are doing good work in our neighborhoods. We want everyone to know that our churches are supporting the work of organizations in our communities where we live work and worship.”
To demonstrate their support, the Caravan presented checks of $3,020 each to the Los Angeles Metropolitan Churches (LAM) and the Jackie Robinson Center in Pasadena. Jarvis J. Emerson, supervisor at the Robinson Center, said, “I’m just really overwhelmed to receive this contribution. It will definitely help us to grow our feeding program and grow our educational program for youth and for seniors.”
During the service, Pastor Darryl Walker of New Philadelphia preached on the topic, ‘I Would See Jesus,’ taken from John 12:21. He asked, “Do people see Jesus in you when they visit your church or are you mean and unwelcoming?” Urging the audience to check their behavior, he suggested believers remember all that Christ does for them and conduct themselves as children of God.
In addition to Rev. Calloway and Rev. Walker, the pastors participating in the Caravan are Rev. Dr. Clyde W. Oden Jr., Rev. Dr. Allen L. Williams Sr., Rev. Dr. Elmer B. Redding Sr., and Rev. John E. Cager.