Tony Wafford (Courtesy photo)

You know what’s deep to me?  The way we (most people) just repeat stuff without even thinking about what’s being said.  Take for instance the “More Perfect Union” people.

Please, don’t get me wrong I truly believe for the most part, most of them are well intended people, some are utopian dreamers of what America is and all the while, hoping it will get better.  Some just don’t want to face up to the ugly side of America and by extension, themselves.

So, if you pretend that both aren’t as bad as we know it to be, just maybe miraculously it’ll get better.  I once heard a guy say, that one of the greatest sicknesses in the world is to believe something just because you want it to be true.

So, when I hear people (good people) say what we need to do is to make this country “A More Perfect Union,” I just smile, and I shake my head and wonder have they looked up the definition of the word perfect?

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And I’ve got to be honest it really throws me off when I hear Black people say, “A More Perfect Union.”  Now I don’t know about you, but when I think of the word “Perfect” the one thing I can say that NEVER comes to mind is America.

Allow me to get the record straight having been born here in America and having lived here for the past 68 years.  It’s been a blessing for me and my family for the most part, and I would be lying if I said anything different.

I would also be dishonest if I didn’t say being Black in America has come with tremendous heartbreak, pain, suffering and challenges for most Black people not to mention what our ancestors went through.  And we all know what our Native American brothers and sisters would say about this so called more perfect union.

Here’s where I digress just for a minute.  I can hear many of you saying, “Tony Wafford, if America is so bad you can leave it.”  Let me address you love-it-or-leave-it childish patriots.  I don’t have to love it, nor do I have to leave it.

My ancestors built it, so I have a stake in their unfinished business here in America.  I also have a right and an obligation in honor of their sacrifice to straighten it out and make it better for my children and future generations!         

Have you ever looked up the definition of the word PERFECT?  As an adjective it means, matching in every detail, the definition of an ideal type of something: excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement: exactly fitting the need in a certain situation or for a certain purpose: entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings.  Now tell me, which category does America fit best…. I’ll wait?

I believe with every fiber of my being that this election will be a referendum, if America can ever get close to being a Better Union.  This election is (to me) even more important than when Obama ran for president.  It’s more than just male verses female, Black verses White, older verses younger, admiration for wealth verses concern for all.

I would say for me regardless of your political affiliation, what’s really on the ballot is our humanity and our moral compass.  America may not be a More Perfect Union, but we can make it Mo Better, and we all know — Mo Better, makes it Mo Better.