Larry Buford
                                    Larry Buford

My father, Milton, once told me of the day he was on the job where he worked together with his uncle, Allen (my great-uncle), and the boss ordered him to do something he did not think was fair among the workers.

My father huffed, puffed and kicked up dust, and Uncle Allen said to him: “Get mad and do it!”

That was wisdom speaking – times were tough then and Uncle Allen knew the ropes; the consequence of not obeying orders. My father learned a lesson in humility and for the good. He had a family to provide for.

Sometimes, we are faced with situations that we had not counted on nor bargained for. We may see it as an unfair deal, but perhaps it’s merely a test to see what we’re really made of. The auto industry performs stringent road tests to make sure their product meets the advertised specifications. Once proven, the automaker can back his claim with a guarantee.

The biblical account of Job is such a case. God had confidence in His creation and allowed Satan to test it. Job 1:12 reads: “All right, you may test him,” the Lord said to Satan. “Do whatever you want with everything he possesses, but don’t harm him physically.” [NLT]

If you’ve read the story, Job – after losing everything – passed the test and God blessed him even more abundantly than before.

I’m personally going through a situation now that totally caught me off guard. What it is doesn’t matter. We all go through it. I could have easily – and justifiably as others advise – walked away from it, but the “good Samaritan” spirit would not let me. That’s not the Christian way.

What would Jesus do? Do you think He wanted to go to the cross? He was anguished in humanity! In the garden of Gethsemane, He prayed to the Father asking if there was another way to save the world besides going to the cross.

Jesus was sweating drops of blood. It was probably a moment when the all-wise Father said “just get mad and do it.” Luke 22:42 reads: “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.” [NLT]

When we come across a cross that we wish not to bear, we might pray about it; talk about it; kick up dust about it; but we must be obedient to the will of God.

I love the acronym for Make A Difference (M.A.D.). Just get MAD and do it…for the good!! If you don’t, who will? Thanks, Uncle Allen!

Larry Buford is a Los Angeles-based freelance writer. Author of “Things Are Gettin’ Outta Hand” ( To learn more, visit or call (213) 220-8101.