Rev. Anthony Michael Bozeman, S.S.J.

The African American Cultural Awareness Ministry (AACAM) of Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church will sponsor a three-day ‘Faith on Fire’ revival starting Friday, November 16 through Sunday, November 18.

The Friday and Saturday services start at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday’s activities include a reception at 12:30 p.m., and revival at 3:30 p.m. 

The revivalist is the Rev. Anthony Michael Bozeman S.S.J., pastor of St. Raymond and St. Leo the Great parish in New Orleans, Louisiana.

According to Pastor Paul Spellman, “The ‘Faith on Fire’ revival advances the purpose of Holy Name’s African American Cultural Awareness Ministry, which was formed in 1985 to raise awareness of African American and African American Catholic gifts of history, culture, and spirituality through liturgical celebrations, prayer, and fellowship within and beyond the parish.”

“The Revival is important at this time because we are at a critical point in history when we must keep alive our cultural and historical presence within the Catholic Church,” said Deacon Douglass Johnson, who co-chairs AACAM along with Director of Religious Education Catherine Brown and founding lay member Monica Lewis.

“As a priest in the Josephite Society of the Sacred Heart, Father Bozeman represents that community of priests in the United States exclusively engaged in advancing the social and spiritual doctrine of the Church in the Black community.”

Lewis added, “Father Bozeman will bring passionate preaching that can renew the purpose, focus, and enthusiasm within the Black Catholic Community of Holy Name and the greater Los Angeles area.”

The ‘Faith on Fire’ revival highlights Holy Name’s annual celebration of Black Catholic History Month.  In 1990, the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus (NBCC) selected November as the month to celebrate the history and legacy of Black Catholics in the United States, as well as to commemorate those ancestors and Black saints from the motherland and throughout the African Diaspora. 

Eighty percent of all families registered as parishioners at Holy Name of Jesus Church are of African descent, coming from the United States, the Caribbean, Central, South and Latin America, and Africa.

Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church is located at 1955 West Jefferson Boulevard in Los Angeles.  For information about the revival, call Sharon Johnson at (646) 401-3833.