Trinity Baptist Holds Double Celebration

Hundreds of people attended the mortgage burning celebration.

By Marjorie Laws,
Contributing Writer

On Sunday, November 14th, at the 10:30 a.m. Worship Service, the Trinity Baptist Church Family held a double celebration of the Church’s 93rd Anniversary and the Burning of the Mortgage of the Annex property next to the Church.

It was a joyous occasion and the Worship Celebration was one of Praise and Thanksgiving to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for allowing us to reach this 93rd consecutive year milestone and successfully paying off the mortgage on the Annex building next door that was purchased in 2000.

Current members and former members joined in the celebration, which began in the sanctuary with a video presentation on the history of the church.  It was chaired by Sister Millicent Wirt and a very capable Committee.

Millicent’s father, Deacon Aaron Lacey, was selected and honored to burn the mortgage papers on the Annex.  He is a long time, active member and was instrumental in pursuing the Trustee Board to pay off the mortgage.

Four members were honored:  Sister Phoebe Biggins, Sister Jewell Pope, Brother Belva Todd and Sister Violet Wilson.  Immediately following the service, hundreds of the congregation marched to the Annex Parking Lot area where the Mortgage Burning Celebration was held.

“We’ve Come This Far by Faith” and “Blessed Assurance” was sung by the Praise Ensemble and the congregation.  Pastor Alvin Tunstill, Jr. dedicated a Prayer of Thanks and Sister Mattie Gardette, Chairperson of the Trustee Board, and Deacon Aaron Lacey gave remarks regarding the Occasion.

The Trailblazers who have been members for over 50 years were presented gifts.  Also, Sister Biggins, Sister  Pope, Sister Wilson and Brother Todd, received commendations from Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Supervisor Mark Ridley Thomas, Assemblyman Mike Davis, Councilman Bernard Parks and Councilman Herb Wesson.

“God presented a beautiful day, a beautiful time of thanks and fellowship and it closed with a beautiful Reception for all to enjoy. To God be the glory for all He has done for us,” said Pastor Tunstill.