Eiffel Tower

Everybody says that the love to travel, but how many of us really do? I’m not talking about going to your family reunion down South, or to a relative’s funeral. But really getting out and seeing what other cultures have to offer.

There are many hot spots here in the US, and there are also many different cultures so you can have different experiences traveling in the States, but for a really different experience it’s time to get a passport and travel to the other side of the world.

Fleace Weaver has taken travel to another level than most. She loves traveling, but doing it by herself wasn’t enough for her. So she started a travel club called BlackGirlTravel.com, where she takes 30-50 women on overseas tours.

Weaver loves to immerse herself in different cultures and taste different foods, and she feels that her travels have made her become more “worldly.”

Italy, France, and Morocco are Weaver’s favorite destinations. Next year she is planning a tour to Egypt and Israel to “Walk in the footsteps of Jesus.”

Weaver has a lot of great advice to offer about traveling.

“Go with an open mind and heart,” Weaver said. “Countries overseas are different from the US. Venice is different from the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas. Pizza in Italy does not taste like pizza here. They do not have cheddar cheese there.”

You should expect the unexpected, and not get upset when you find out that things are not the way that you are accustomed too.

To really enhance your trip, Weaver says that you have to get off the beaten path. Put down the map and get yourself lost in the city that you are in. Don’t worry about actually getting lost, most places you can easily find a taxi cab or a hotel that will point you in the right direction.

Weaver’s tours are based on actually being on land, and not so much on a boat, which a lot of black people seem to like to do. She likes to spend as much time as possible in a city to fully experience that location.

Kevin Ghorm has also gotten out and seen the world. Traveling allows him to meet new people, have new experiences, and see different ways of life. He also said that it reinforces how much he likes living in the United States.

Ghorm works in international business. He feels that traveling has definitely benefited him in his career, and he feels that it has made him more knowledgeable. It has forced him to get out of his comfort zone, and also allowed him to appreciate different cultures.

South Africa is one of Ghorm’s favorite countries to visit. He was very fascinated to see how countries such as Johannesburg, Derby, and Cape Town were similar and different to cities in the US. Dubai is another one of Ghorm’s favorite location.

If you’re looking to experience other cultures while staying within the United States, that won’t be a problem because the regions of this country can be very different, and there are so many people from different cultures.

Weaver and Ghorm agree that South Beach in Miami is the spot. Weaver says that it is almost like going to a different country, and that they party hard there. Ghorm likes the Caribbean and Cuban flavors that South Beach has to offer, and he says that the beach culture is different there. There is more of an emphasis to be along the beach. Many of the clubs, bars, and hot spots are along the water. Here in Los Angeles the hot spots are all over the place.

Ghorm also likes New Orleans and Atlanta. In New Orleans the culture is so much different than other areas of the country, and Atlanta has become the “Black Mecca.”

“It’s really cool to see so many black people doing exciting things,” Ghorm said. “And there’s a great deal of black wealth, which is really inspiring.”

So people get out there and treat yourself to an experience of a lifetime. You’ve already experienced Los Angeles, so you’re not going to find that experience out here. It’s time to go somewhere else.

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