Pastor George Thomas

Compton Community Engages Prayer to Fight Crime

An ecumenical and multicultural group of concerned citizens answered the call of the Rev. Dr. Michael J. Fisher to join him in a vigil and rally to beseech God’s guidance in catching the killers of Pastor Reggie Moore as well as erasing the criminal element from the city.

New Mt. Calvary holds celebration for Pastor Dawson

The members of New Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church will recognize both the 5th anniversary and birthday of their pastor, the Rev. Dr. Sonja R. Dawson. The dual celebration takes place on Sunday, January 24, during three worship services in the edifice located at 402 E. El Segundo Blvd., in Los Angeles. At the 7:30 a.m. worship, Pastor Geremy Dixon of First Church of God Inglewood will preach. Pastor Najuma Smith-Pollard of Word of Encouragement Community Church will deliver the sermon at the 10:45 a.m. service. The Grand Anniversary and Birthday Celebration kicks-off at 3 p.m. The guests are Pastor