Pastor D. Najuma Pollard

Local Clergy Share Christmas Wishes for Black Community

As the celebration of the birth of Christ nears, the Sentinel surveyed several local clergy for their replies to the question: What are one-to-two Christmas wishes that you would extend to the L.A.-area African American community and why? The following are the responses that we received. Pastor Mary S. Minor, Brookins-Kirkland Community AME Church: “During the season of Christmas, Christians recant the night when Jesus was born. There was no room in the inn. He was born homeless. Today, many persons (including children) know firsthand what it means to be homeless. “My wish is that the county and city of

Gratitude Renewed!

Since the death of my son, I’ve had to do intentional personal work to focus on daily gratitude. Raw grief has the ability to hover and loom so heavy, that it blocks one sense of gratitude for other parts of life. However, my faith in God’s Word helped to open me up to the truth of God’s Word. The Bible mentions over 114 times to give or throw thanks to God as well as other variations of the word that have multiple mentions. It is clear, just be reading the Word of God, that we are to cultivate a life-style