Dr. Donna J. Nicol Headlines ‘OASC At the Bilbrew’ Series
Our Authors Study Club, Inc. hosts Dr. Donna J. Nicol, author of “Black Woman on Board,” as the next featured guest in the “OASC At the Bilbrew” author talk series.
Our Authors Study Club, Inc. hosts Dr. Donna J. Nicol, author of “Black Woman on Board,” as the next featured guest in the “OASC At the Bilbrew” author talk series.
Pastor James. K. McKnight and the members of Congregational Church of Christian Fellowship (CCCF) will a hold a special Black History worship service on Sunday, February. 19, at 10 a.m., in the edifice located at 2085 S. Hobart Blvd., in Los Angeles.
High school students throughout greater Los Angeles are invited to participate in the 2023 Annual Youth Oratorical Contest sponsored by Our Authors Study Club and Sigma Gamma Rho, Sigma Sigma Chapter. The event offers coaching, mentoring, awards and cash prizes.
Our Authors Study Club, Inc. of Los Angeles (OASC) and Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA) are planning for the 2023 African American Heritage Guide.
Vermont Slauson Economic Development Corporation honors local women leaders and held a 60-Second women-owned business pitch competition to celebrate Women’s History Month.