Three Bay Area Counties Have Black Women Chief Prosecutors
Pamela Price, Diana Becton and Brooke Jenkins all hold the office of district attorney in their Bay Area counties.
Pamela Price, Diana Becton and Brooke Jenkins all hold the office of district attorney in their Bay Area counties.
The California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) unanimously endorse and support Contra Costa District Attorney Diana Becton to serve as the next Attorney General of California.
Just over four years ago, on August 9, 2014, 18-year-old Michael Brown was murdered by police officer Darren Wilson. He was shot six times, and might have survived some of the shots, but was fatally wounded when he was shot in the head. Wilson claimed he shot in self-defense, but Michael Brown was unarmed. St. Louis County prosecutor Bob McCulloch took his time convening a grand jury and announced in November 2014, three months after Brown’s murder, that the grand jury voted not to indict Wilson.