Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice

Proposition 20 is a Failed Approach to Community Safety and Well-Being. Vote No

I became a victim of crime when my brother was shot and killed.  I became a repeat victim of crime when my younger brother also was murdered by someone with a gun. Many of my neighbors can tell stories like mine. In South Central LA, as in other poor communities of color, crime and violence come knocking, invited or not. What sets me apart is that I was blessed to receive help to recover from my loss and trauma. Confronting my grief transformed me from a crime victim into a crime survivor. It also made me determined to see others get the same support.  That’s why I tell everyone I can to vote No on Proposition 20 on election day.

Both Applause and Outrage Follow Gov’s Decision to Halt Death Penalty

The move he has described as a “moral” decision sparked outrage across the state, particularly in some quarters of the state’s Republican establishment and among some victims’ families and a large number of county prosecutors. Many of them have been vocal advocates of capital punishment over the years.