Black Education Expo and Assemblyman Chris Holden Celebrate Black History Month
Lake Avenue Church in Pasadena hosted the 2024 Black Education Expo on Feb. 24 in celebration of Black History Month and Black Children’s Book Week.
Lake Avenue Church in Pasadena hosted the 2024 Black Education Expo on Feb. 24 in celebration of Black History Month and Black Children’s Book Week.
The Biddy Mason Global Network, California Black Women’s Health Project and the Beloved Community Coalition will host “Black Excellence ¾ Our Passion, Our Mission, Our Legacy” on Saturday, August 7, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Biddy Mason Memorial Park, 333 S. Spring St., in downtown Los Angeles. Former slave Bridget “Biddy” Mason was an activist, who was also a nurse, philanthropist and real estate entrepreneur. She opened a traveler’s center, operated an elementary school for Black children and donated the land to establish First African Methodist Episcopal Church, the oldest church founded by Blacks in L.A. Reflecting
Early data is showing cities in California with some of the hardest-to-count census tracts are among places with above-average U.S. Census response rates so far. Many of them are areas where African Americans live.
Depression affects more than 12 million women in the United States annually, according to Mental Health America; and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, African American women are at the highest risk for experiencing major depression.
Every day there are people all around us who suffer from one form or another of a mental health disorder
The California Black Women’s Health Project (CABWHP) is the only statewide organization solely dedicated to improving the health of California’s Black women and girls via education, advocacy, policy and outreach