
GOD vs “the gods

When the Philistines saw and realized that the misfortunes which came about were not by accident; but they saw the problems repeated and brought on to themselves by keeping the Ark of the Covenant (The Ark of God), the most sacred vessel of the Israelites, (they thought it was a trophy) they proceeded to plan what to do in accordance to the best way to get the Ark out of their hands. The Philistines of their five cities: Gaza, Gath, Ekron, and Ashkelon planned what to do.

Ask Dr. Jeanette™ Success On “The Way” -“God Has a Serious Sense of Humor”

The Philistines captured the Ark of God (Ark of the Covenant was a chest containing the Tablets of the Covenant between the Lord and Israel. It served as a throne for the Lord of Hosts (the Lord’s armies. On its cover were two cherubim, likely creatures with the body of a lion or bull, the head of a human, and the wings of an eagle.)