
alleged victim

Cosby Conviction Overturned! Attorney says, “We Are on Our Way Now to the Prison to Pick Him Up”

The state Supreme Court ruled that Cosby’s deal with former prosecutor Bruce Castor should have been honored. In a phone call with Cosby attorney Jennifer Bonjean, she states, “I am thrilled! I haven’t made my way through the entire opinion yet, but it seems that the court agrees with what we knew all along, that Mr. Cosby never should have been prosecuted in the first place. If a prosecutor’s word is not his bond, then we as a society — and the entire criminal justice system — is in trouble.”

California Judge Tosses Sexual Assault Suit against Russell Simmons

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mark Epstein granted Simmons a motion to dismiss that lawsuit after the anonymous alleged victim failed to respond to a court order regarding the statute of limitations. The judge said he found that the woman’s claims were legally time-barred since she alleged the incident happened in 1988 and only filed her suit in March 2018.