Senator Steven Bradford will sponsor Tacos and Taxes: Tax Preparation and Resource Fair on Saturday, April 1, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Nakaoka Community Center, 1670 West 162nd Street in Gardena.
The event will include free tacos (while supplies last), taxes filing assistance, CalFresh and Medi-Cal enrollment, eligibility screening for the WIC program, and Walgreen’s and DPH staff will provide vaccines to protect against COVID, pneumonia and shingles. To make an appointment for the vaccines, visit tinyurl.com/VaxTaxApril1.
Other free services include CPR training by staff from the Department of Public Health, tax advice from the Franchise Tax Board, women’s health services from Planned Parenthood, and record expungement and consumer debt legal guidance from the Community Legal Aid of Southern California.
The resource fair is free and open to the public. Advance appointments are not required; however attendees can expedite the check-in process by pre-registering at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tacos-taxes-senator-bradfords-free-tax-preparation-event-resourcefair-tickets-539841519517.
To receive tax preparation services, applicants must reside in the 35th Senate District, have an individual income of $66,000 or less, and make an appointment by calling (626) 545-9351.