The Rev. Dr. Melvin Von Wade will be the guest preacher at the 59th anniversary celebration of Pilgrim’s Hope Bible Church.
According to Pastor C. Lamar Simmons, the service will be held on Sunday, March 13, at 10:30 a.m. in the edifice located at 7016 Compton Avenue in Los Angeles. The theme is “Lord, Revive Us Again.”

“We are imminently excited as a move of God is on the horizon and we await it with great expectation as Dr. Wade, leads us into the next chapter of history,” said Pastor Simmons. “We look forward to celebrating this occasion with our community as the family of God. So, come out and join us.
Dr. Wade served 42 years as the spiritual leader of Mount Moriah Baptist Church before retiring in 2017. Nationally known for his powerful sermons, Wade’s preaching ministry exceeds 50 years.
He has delivered sermons at 10 U.S. colleges and universities including his alma mater, Bishop College and to nearly 7,000 people at Hampton University. Also, he previously served as president of the 300,000-member National Missionary Baptist Convention and on the National Board of Directors of the Gospel Music Workshop of America.
For information about the anniversary service, call the Pilgrim’s Hope church office at 323.581.7672.