Do you recognize any of the snacks in the pictures below? Recently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) issued warnings about them. They said to immediately stop using and buying certain brands of children’s cinnamon applesauce snacks. Like the ones below. These were found to have lead. This news is shocking to parents. We hope to explain why they were called back. And to explain why high amounts of lead dangerous. And then what steps you can take to keep your family safe.
What is lead poisoning?
Lead is a metal that is in many places. We can get lead into our body from contaminated water or food, lead paint, and even breathing lead dust. High amounts of lead is called lead poisoning. It is extra dangerous for children under 6 years. They can get lead by putting things like toys or paint chips that have lead in their mouth. Young children do that often. The CDC has found the amount of lead children aged 1-5 years are exposed to if falling. However, non-Hispanic Black children (4.0%) were twice as likely as non-Hispanic White children (1.9%) to have elevated blood lead levels (CDC). And on-Hispanic Black children (4.0%) were three times as likely as Mexican American children (1.1%) to have elevated blood lead levels (CDC).
What products were recalled?
It was discovered that about 69 children between the ages 1-5 across two dozen states had very high levels of lead detected in their blood. The FDA found the source of lead was cinnamon made in Ecuador. It had been contaminated with lead. An advisory was released by the FDA, advising consumers to not to eat, sell or serve these products with lead. The FDA also found these products contained chromium. Chromium is another type of metal. Like lead high blood levels can make people sick. Luckily, the levels of chromium in these foods contained were within the safe limit.
- Should I worry about lead in my child’s cinnamon apple pouch?
- Blood lead levels in children: what parents should know https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/all-around/Pages/Blood-Lead-Levels-in-Children-What-Parents-Need-to-Know.aspx
- Lead exposure and steps to protect your family
What should I do if my child ate the products above?
If you have any products at home that were part of the recall, immediately throw them out. Pour them in the trash, then throw away the empty packages.
If your child has eaten any of these contaminated products, talk to your pediatrician. They can decide if a blood test for lead is needed. If your child has definitely eaten these and don’t feel well you should report it here. You can contact your local poison control department. You can also contact the Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit.
What are the signs of lead poisoning?
There is no safe level of lead. How bad the symptoms are depends on the level of lead in the blood. Wow long one has been exposed to lead is not as important as the blood level. Low levels of lead can cause many problems. Trouble with schoolwork, lack of attention, lower grades, and poor behaviors. Very high levels of lead can cause headaches, irritability, constipation, and abdominal pain. Severe lead poisoning may lead to seizures and coma.
How is lead poisoning diagnosed and treated?
Most children with lead poisoning may not show any symptoms. The only way to know for certain about lead poisoning is through a blood test. It shows the level of lead in the blood. The best treatment is to prevent lead poisoning. Lead levels will increase with ongoing ingestion or exposure over time. It is also important to take your child to all their regularly scheduled well child visits. His or her pediatrician can screen the level of lead in the blood at regular intervals if there is a concern of lead exposure. If high lead levels are detected, your pediatrician will investigate with help from the local public health department.
What are other sources of lead exposure?
Dust from lead house paint is a major source of lead. Houses built after 1978 do not use lead containing paint by law. Home renovation can disturb lead based paint, Children should be kept safely away from such renovations until they are finished. Lead can also be found in plumbing pipes. And also in imported items including candles, cosmetics, toys, and spices.
It is important to pay close attention to any recalls of such items that are posted by health agencies or in the news. Certain professions like construction, mining, and manufacturing, also put people at high risk of exposure of lead. As lead can be tracked into the home, it is good practice to remove shoes before entering the home. Additionally, lead can be in dirt in the ground, but luckily it does not get into vegetables.
Special thanks to Dr. Kevin Osterhoudt, professor of Pediatrics for the University of Pennsylvania, who initially answered many of these questions through an article written for the AAP.