In recognition of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and Sickle Cell Awareness Month, Hollypark United Method Church hosted an informative workshop to highlight prevention, detection, intervention, and the keys to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Community members, advocates, and survivors asked critical questions and gained useful information from a diverse panel of experts. The panelists included Farron Dozier, sickle cell trait advocate and “What’s the Count” radio host; Dr. Anton Bilchik, professor of Surgery and Chief of Medicine at the John Wayne Cancer Institute; Dr. Dana Scott, urologist and founder of the Gold Standard Urology Medical Group; and Dr. Ronald Hurst, CORI Director of Clinical Research and surgical oncologist.
Dozier kicked-off discussion, sharing his personal experience with the sickle cell trait and tips for prevention.
As a retired Army Sergeant and active person, Dozier said hydration is key for sickle cell trait carriers. According to Dozier, the sickle cell trait occurs in approximately 8% of African Americans in the United States, and derives from an inherited ancestral gene found in Africa, South or Central America, India, Saudi Arabia, the Caribbean and Mediterranean countries. When asked if individuals with the sickle cell trait should have children, Dozier recommended “genetic counseling” to determine one’s genetic makeup and susceptibility of passing the trait to offspring.
Dr. Bilchika, scientist and expert in medicine as it pertains to colon cancer, said, “Getting screened, in addition to diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle, is important to prevention of the disease.”
In describing how modern technology has aided in the rate of survival post surgery, Bilchik noted that physicians are “now using very small instruments, robots to take out the colon,” leading to a faster recovery in most cases. Dr. Bilchik then detailed a somewhat sensitive topic for most men, colonoscopies.
“The worst part of a colonoscopy is not the procedure, it’s what you have to do the day before to prepare for the procedure,” Dr. Bilchik said.
Another shocking part of Bilchik’s presentation was his reference to barbeque. “There is a higher incident of colon cancer in people that barbeque their meat, specifically red meat,” he said.
Dr. Bilchik also advised community members to stay clear of colon cleansers, laxatives and coffee enemas, trends that are widely used and commercially driven as a detox method.
“The colon is a muscle, you can force it to work to the point where it doesn’t want to work anymore,” Bilchik saidd. “Your body is very smart, there’s nothing better than a balanced diet,” he added.
Dr. Scott, also spoke about advanced technology in medicine and the newer digital rectal exams for men, which can “really help locate the prostate and minimize some of the secondary effects of radiation.”
According to Scott, a “colorful diet,” uninterrupted sleep for 7-9 hours per night and accessing vitamins naturally are key elements to prostate cancer prevention for men. Scott shared that tomatoes, soy products, flax seed milk, green tea and vitamins found in natural foods, as opposed to pills and supplements are recommended to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
“Shop the outskirts of the store, stay out of the middle of the floor,” Dr. Scott jokingly noted as a guide for men when grocery shopping.
Addressing breast cancer, a prominent and oftentimes hereditary illness among women, Dr. Hurst said that with advanced technology, some women “can actually have their breasts reserved with or without chemotherapy.”
As it pertains to the sickness and hair loss many women endure as a byproduct of radiation, Hurst says that radiation is not a systemic treatment, rather local and designed to control the disease at the spot of origin.
Olisa Wilkins, a triple negative breast cancer patient, shared that there aren’t many medical providers that will pray with you and for you during your cancer journey, and Dr. Hurst, is one that does. Dr. Hurst’s unique approach also involves developing patient-specific treatment plans that result in better outcomes.
“With the management of cancer in general, we work with surgical oncologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, radiologists and pathologists. We all communicate directly so that we can understand the cancer that’s happening in you,” Hurst said.
Dr. Larry Dozier, president of the United Methodist Men for the Western Jurisdiction and organizer for the event, explained why it’s so important for members of the church community to take their health seriously.
“Jesus says that He came to give life and that more abundantly. An abundant life begins first with spirituality, but also your health. You cannot have an abundant life if you don’t have abundant health,” said Dozier.
The Celebrate Life Cancer Ministry, United Methodist Men and CORI organizations plan to continue increasing awareness and supporting patients and community members alike in their journey to overcome illness, breakthrough to recovery and lead healthy lifestyles.