Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn officially launched her re-election campaign for L.A. County Supervisorial District 4 on January 30 and received endorsements of 24 in-district Mayors, state and federal leaders and prominent organizations representing working families.
“My fight for the people of the 4th District is far from over. That’s why today, I’m ready and excited to announce that I am running for re-election to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. The battle to create transformative, positive, and lasting change on behalf of the hard-working people of L.A. County must go on – and I plan to be at the tip of the spear of this fight,” she said.
Hahn added, “While the challenges are urgent – from homelessness to mental health to the housing crisis to the need for more good jobs, safer communities, cleaner air and a stronger economy – I know that together, we can meet this moment and build a better L.A. County for all people and every community.”
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In endorsing Hahn’s re-election campaign, a number of prominent leaders and groups released the following statements:
“As someone who has worked together with Janice Hahn for years, I can attest firsthand to how she has dedicated her career to putting the people first. Janice has been a champion for the people of Long Beach,” said Long Beach Mayor Rex Richardson.
“We need proven leaders on the L.A. County Board of Supervisors. Janice Hahn has been a fearless, bold and effective leader for the people of the 4th Supervisorial District,” declared California State Assemblymember Mike Gipson.
“Janice Hahn has been a champion for the people. She brings heart, boundless energy and grit to the cause of advancing justice, equity and fairness for the people of L.A. County. Janice Hahn has dedicated her life’s work to protecting and lifting up the communities she represents,” said U.S. Congressman Robert Garcia.
The Los Angeles / Orange County Building and Construction Trades Council stated, “Janice Hahn has been a force for good on behalf of workers. She’s worked to invest in infrastructure to create more good jobs and strengthen our economy, supported Project Labor Agreements, middle class wages, healthcare access and a pro-worker agenda.”
Voicing similar comments, the Southwest Mountain States Regional Council of Carpenters said, “Janice Hahn has proven herself time and again as a voice for working people, and we look forward to continue working with her on the Board.”
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 11 shared, “For over 20 years, Janice has fought for working people, more family-sustaining good jobs, strong workers’ rights protections, infrastructure investments, healthcare, retirement security and more. She’s been a fearless leader for workers and we need her to keep up the fight for our members on the Board of Supervisors.”
The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 36 expressed support as well, stating, “Janice Hahn has been a warrior for working people. She’s a trailblazer and a leader who has delivered for working women and men for decades. She’s been there for us and we are proud to be there for her.”
For more information, please visit www.janicehahn.com.