November is full of construction activities along the 8.5-mile Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project and preparation work has begun for the last excavation on the light-rail project on Crenshaw Boulevard between 59th and 67th streets.

Decking and excavation of the cut-and-cover segment will require a full street closure of Crenshaw Boulevard for approximately 40 days. Metro will provide the closure date in advance. However, Metro Construction Relations is already notifying the community to let business owners, residents and property owners know the upcoming construction work is about to begin.

Northern segment

Crenshaw/Expo Station:

Excavation for the underground Crenshaw/Expo Station reached a depth of 65 feet and the contractor Walsh/Shea Corridor Contractors (WSCC) began building the base for the concrete (mud-slab) floor and installing the station waterproofing. Installation of the substation (TPSS) is now taking place.

Cross passage: # 1

WSCC is now working on cross passages two and three, which will be an underground connection between the twin tunnels. They will be located between Coliseum Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. The work is being implemented in two phases: 1) the traffic will be pushed back toward the outside lanes (curb), while concrete barriers (K-rails) are placed in the center of the road to allow for the work to take place. 2) The traffic will be pushed to the center of the road, while work is completed on the curb lanes. The work that began Nov. 1 will continue 24 hours a day
for approximately the next seven weeks.

Two traffic lanes will be open northbound and southbound on Crenshaw Boulevard at all times. Current parking will not be impacted. Left turns are restricted for northbound traffic on Crenshaw Boulevard onto 39th Street. Pedestrian access will be maintained. Noise from construction activities is being monitored and blankets will be used to mitigate sound.

MKL Station:

Excavation continues to the third and final level of bracing, approximately 55 feet in depth, the total expected depth will be 70 feet.

Cross passage # 5:

The fifth cross passage will be located between Stocker Street and 43rd Street/Homeland Drive. In order to implement this work WSCC has installed K-rail on Crenshaw Boulevard just north of the Bright Now Dental driveway. Work is taking place 24/7 for the next 20 days. One northbound and one southbound lane will be maintained on Crenshaw Boulevard in this segment. Five meter parking spaces will be eliminated. Pedestrian access will be maintained, noise will be monitored and driveway access will be coordinated with residents and property owners near the work area.

Vernon Station:

Excavation continues to the second and final level of bracing, located approximately 45 feet below street level. Once this bracing is installed the excavation will continue to the bottom at 60 feet below street level.

UG4 (south portal):

Excavation and decking of this segment from Vernon Avenue to 48th Street will continue until Nov. 24 at 6 a.m. Work consists of pile installation, completion of the relocation of the 24-inche water line and, of course decking, from south to north.

Southbound traffic on Crenshaw Boulevard is being detoured onto Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard; however local eastbound and westbound traffic is maintained through 43rd Street/Homeland Drive. West-bound traffic on Vernon Avenue makes a left or right turn onto Leimert Boulevard; 43rd Place is closed at Crenshaw Boulevard and access to 43rd Plaza is allowed via 43rd Street to Degan Boulevard.

Mesa Park Heights:

The segment from 48th Street to Slauson Avenue has seen scattered activity, such as pot holing (detecting location of utilities) and preparing foundation for the traffic light signals. This may change in the next few weeks.

UG3 (60street/67street):

The cut and cover section has begun on the north segment starting with steel pile installation. The work will proceed on Crenshaw Boulevard between 59th Street and 67th Street and includes the installation of 900 steel piles. Steel pile installation will occur during day time shifts, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for the next four months.

Left turns from Crenshaw and into 59th Street are restricted. Noise and vibration is being monitored and driveway access will be coordinated with residents and property owners. Access to emergency vehicles will be maintained.

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