Well, here we go again. Last week, Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore announced that he would be stepping down as head of the LAPD at the end of February.
I understand what he said about his leaving and why he’s leaving, but we all know that he’s glad to be getting the hell out of that Zoo-without-a-fence called LAPD. “Why would you say that Tony?” Just walk with me for a minute.
One of Chief Moore’s assistant chiefs had to retire after getting caught ‘getting his freak on’ with a subordinate inside his government car. Wouldn’t you think that as an assistant chief on the LAPD with an annual salary of well over one hundred thousand dollars a year that this guy could afford to get a room — even if he just went to a short-time motel; isn’t the Mustang Motel still open?
Then ,we got another assistant chief who got busted down for allegedly putting a tracking device on an officer he was romantically involved with. I guess once you get promoted to assistant chief, your libido kicks in and you go nuts. Oh, I’m not done yet.
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The good citizens of the city of Los Angeles had to pay out $4 million in damages because a group of childish clowns, pretending to be police officers, thought it would be funny to doctor a nude photograph of a colleague and shared the photo throughout the department. The joke was on the taxpayers of the city of Los Angeles because you paid for that joke.
Now dig this. You do remember when a high-ranking genius on the LAPD thought it would be a good idea to ignite, in the middle of a Black and Brown neighborhood, a ton of illegal fireworks they had seized, destroying property, and leaving several of its residents homeless.
I say high ranking officer because we all know a field officer wouldn’t have the authority to give the order to do something that stupid as to ignite those fireworks, it had to be a captain or above. That act of lunacy cost the citizens of Los Angeles $9.5 million and counting.
Please don’t stop reading now because we have an LAPD captain, you heard me right, a captain, who was found to have oozed out some confidential information of a sex crime victim to the alleged perpetrator. Oh, did I mention the scandal involving gang unit officers suspected of thefts and illegal stops?
Here’s what I would say is the piece de resistance. It seems like, as a parting gift to Mayor Bass, Chief Moore is being accused of having ordered two detectives to investigate her. These two detectives filed complaints alleging that they were ordered to investigate the mayor, possibly at Chief Moore’s behest.
Have you guys noticed that most of the craziness that I just talked about is happening among the highest-ranking officers in the department? If this is the type of foolishness going on among assistant chiefs, commanders, captains, lieutenants, and sergeants, is there any wonder why innocent citizens are being abused every day by young, impressionable officers in the field after seeing what’s happening at the top?
Maybe it’s a good thing that the LAPD is down by several hundred officers short of its allotted 9,500 officers they say that they need. I can only imagine how much money, how many lives and how many sexual misconduct cases there would be if they had those several hundred offices, they say they are short of. If we are honest with ourselves, Chief Moore’s inner circle is about as dysfunctional as a Donald Trump Cabinet.
So, now the LAPD Police Commission will appoint an interim chief (let’s see who that will be, and we will have a good idea of the direction they are going) and begin a nationwide search for Chief Moore’s replacement.
You know what I think would help in the effort? What if the Police Commission looked more like the community it’s going to serve? Maybe it’s time to do something different and just maybe we can get different results coming out of LAPD.
You know the great Moms Mabley once said, “If you always do what you always did you gonna always get what you always got.” Let’s do something new!
With all due respect to the police commission; they look like a nice group of people — diverse culture and gender and that’s good, but that’s where it stops. Now I haven’t seen any of their bank statements, but I’m pretty sure they don’t reflect the socioeconomics of the people that’s going to encounter the LAPD on a daily basis, which is my nice way of saying (because I’m over my limit for curse words today) that they don’t reflect the community that have to navigate this dysfunctional institution called the LAPD!
I have a thought. Every mayor, police chief and sheriff “wannabe” for the past 30 plus years always found themselves at Tolliver’s Barbershop. They show up when they’re running, and they show up when they F-up. Lawrence puts out the call and the community shows up — male, female, old and young, folks from diverse backgrounds as well as every socioeconomic level you could think of, unlike the look of the Police Commission.
Apart from the late John Mack, no other member of the Police Commission stopped by the shop to get the feel of the community. It only makes sense that if the Chief of Police, the Sheriff and the Mayor make it their business to stop by the shop to check the temperature of the community, why wouldn’t the Police Commission build that same relationship and just maybe they wouldn’t catch so much hell from Black Lives Matter every Tuesday. Why wouldn’t they host a community dialog to get our understanding of what we want to see in the next Chief of Police?
As I said, those people that sit on the commission look like very fine people, but I really can’t see them speaking for me and my family. Can we please just be honest just for a second? Let’s not confuse a political appointment and a favor with a social justice movement. Can we have two commissions — one to check the box and one to check the cops?
I am well aware that Black Lives Matter (BLM) shows up at every commission meeting and sometimes those meetings are off the chain and I get it! But that does not thwart you guys from meeting with other groups and organizations within the community outside of downtown Los Angeles.
My greatest concerned is that the LAPD is laying the groundwork for a succession plan for the 2028 Summer Olympic, and I’m more concerned with my son not getting killed in 2024 by the LAPD. I don’t know about you guys, but we’ve got to do something different!