Lutheran Social Services of Southern California (LSSSC) – a leading provider of social services programs in Southern California – announces its first-ever Banding Together to Build Community Concert Series from February through April.
The second of three concerts, featuring a wide range of musical styles, is on Sunday, March 19, at 3 p.m., at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, located at 9300 South Crenshaw Blvd., in Inglewood. The final concert is on Sunday, April 23, at Spirit of Our Savior Lutheran Church (formerly Lutheran Church of Our Savior), 5050 North Sierra Way in San Bernardino.
Each concert will feature live musical performances by New City Parish (gospel and accompanying mime performers), Women Image (Celtic, folk and jazz), Pastor Nate (Christian hip hop), Dámaris Allen (global multicultural praise) and Chris Winn and his Praise Band (classical and contemporary Christian) featuring Nicholas and Kathleen Preston of Pacific Symphony fame. Food trucks will be available following each concert.
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Proceeds from a free-will offering at the concerts will benefit the homeless outreach ministries of the Central City Lutheran Mission in San Bernardino and inner-city ministries of New City Parish in Los Angeles. LSSSC leaders hope to expand and double services for homeless men and vulnerable families through the Central City Lutheran Mission as it transitions to a new Community Wellness Campus providing shelter, vocational, medical, behavioral health services and other necessities.
The concert starts at 3 p.m. with food trucks following at 5 p.m. Concert tickets are free, but seating is limited, so attendees are advised to register in advance.
For more information, registration and donations visit https://www.lsssc.org/BandingTogether/, or call 714-621-5845.
For 76 years, Lutheran Social Services of Southern California (LSSSC) has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to helping the most vulnerable families and individuals in Southern California. LSSSC is a social ministry organization with the Lutheran Services of America, one of the largest health and human service networks in America. Partners and funders include the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health, and US Departments of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Health and Human Services.
The history of LSSSC dates back to 1944 when a handful of congregants from Lutheran churches in San Diego began providing services and resources to veterans returning home. This group joined with like-minded congregants in Los Angeles and formed Lutheran Social Services in 1946. Today, LSSSC employs almost 200 caring and dedicated staff that deliver more than 30 programs across six counties. Ignited by faith, we live out God’s love by embracing, equipping and empowering vulnerable people in Southern California.