Albirther Frazier Lewis was born December 19, 1933 to John Milton Frazier and Carrie Atkins in Mount Vernon, Alabama. Her mother passed away when she was a little girl. Shortly after her mother’s passing her father, Papa, remarried Ethel Frazier (fondly known as “Big Momma”).
Albirther affectionately known as Bertha, Mom, Mother, Granny grew up in Mount Vernon. Shortly after graduating from Citronelle High School, she met and fell in love with Arthur Quintana Lewis, Sr. They would eventually relocate to Mobile, Alabama where they would start their family. In 1974, Arthur and Albirther moved to Houston, Texas for better work and educational opportunities for their growing family. Albirther attended Houston Community College where she received her LVN license. She was employed at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Hospital and Cancer Institute until her retirement. Post-retirement, she enjoyed extended visits with her children and grandchildren in Los Angeles, California and Denver, Colorado.
Albirther was a devoted mother and wife who deeply cherished the role she played in her husband and children’s lives. She was a natural nurturer, who instilled critical life skills and the importance of everyday kindness. She will be remembered for being one of the kindest people you will ever meet. Whether you were a stranger or a dear friend, there was nothing she would not do for you. A few principles that she lived by were to always be respectful of others, mind your P’s and Q’s, and if you don’t have anything nice to say it’s better not to speak at all. In deed and word, her life was a living testament of her deep relationship with God. Her favorite scripture was “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5, 6) KJV. She lived her entire life full of faith, trusting God with every fiber of her being, even to the end. Strength unimaginable! “Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.” (Proverbs 31:25) KJV
She wore many hats. Besides being the epitome of mother and wife, she was also our seamstress and tailor, chef (pastry, savory, sous), hairdresser, protector and guardian, disciplinarian and rewarder, spiritual guide and so much more. We will never know how she managed to make us all feel so loved and important.
Our beautiful mother was God’s miracle before our very eyes! He graciously granted us nine more months of memories filled with joy and laughter after a grave diagnosis was given to us about her life expectancy. We are forever grateful to be the descendants of such a remarkable soul. To know her was to love her. We will miss our beautiful, elegant, eloquent, sweet-spirited, kind and funny mother. We carry her infectious laugh and bright smile in our hearts. Albirther Frazier Lewis, we love you eternally and will continue to build a strong legacy in your memory. “Be strong and of a good courage . . . for the Lord thy God . . .doth go with thee.” (Deut.31:6) KJV
Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Momma! You were a valiant warrior! To God Be the Glory!
Albirther is preceded in death by her father, mother(s), all of her siblings, Dorothy, Emma, Laura, Elijah, Alice and
John, Jr.; husband, Arthur Q. Lewis, Sr.; and daughter, Wanda Ife’.
Mother departed this life on Friday, July 16, 2021 and leaves to cherish her memory, her devoted children: Lucy
Vanessa, Autherine Burleson (Kraig), Arthur Q. Lewis Jr. (Dorothea), Karen Lewis Thomas (John), Shelia Grear, Cassandra Jones (Michael); loving grandchildren: Tamara Lewis Carter (John), Valerie (Innocent), Jamila Burleson- Goshon (Lawrence), Dynita Washington (Cedric), Dara, Milton Kraig Lewis (Maria), Megan, Rashida, Hannah, Leah, Robert, Noah, Daniel, Josiah; lovable great-grands: Jasmine, Eric, Jelani, Alexia, Asiah, Gregory, Jasey, Ciyonna, Bri’jai, Carter, Immanuel, Jaxson, Amari, Nova; precious great, great-grands: Eric, Jr., Rylee; and a host of nieces, nephews, friends and loved ones near and far.