Dr. Donald Henderson M.D., M.P.H



The sum of human information as to how to diagnose or treat an illness changes and expands every day. It’s impossible for one person to know or to remember all the facts. If you were to study a single medical subject each night for one year without the use of a computer, at the end of the year you would be 1,225 years behind in information about that subject. This is an example as to how fast medical information is growing.

With new developments in genetics we are learning how your family genes impact your health. Current medical science suggests that even if you inherit a bad set of genes, you can modify how they affect your life by modifying your behavior and life style. The most important life style modifications you can make are diet and exercise. 


85 peecent of Americans have cell phones that offer some type of connection to the internet. I suggest you expand that connection. Your cell phone may improve your life by answering medical questions for you and your family. Your health provider should refer you to sites like UPTODATE.COM to help you better understand your illness and treatments. Internet connections are free in the public libraries and many other places.


Please be clear that the old model of having a physician who cares for you and your family is being replaced by a program run on principles of efficiency of expenses and outcomes. The 

Simply put, you will be the person most responsible for your health. Preventative services are now free. Take advantage of all of them. 

If you want to change and improve your life, then do two things:


•Get connected to quality medical information

•Lose 10% of your current body weight


10 percent weight loss may add 10 years to your life. Do you want 10 more years without arthritis, hypertension, heart disease, cancer?  Get in the know!

To kick off 2013, Encore is offering a 20% discount on nutrition and weight loss programs and products throughout the month of February. See our coupon in today’s Business section or on the Sentinel website and contact us today to schedule an appointment.

I encourage you to take our 2013 Health Challenge to improve your life. The time to start getting healthy is now!

Dr. Donald Henderson is Medical Director of Encore Wellness & Weight Loss and has a private practice specializing in Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine in Los Angeles.

I’d like to hear from you and answer any questions you have regarding your personal health and wellness goals. Please update me on your progress and forward your questions or comments to [email protected]. For more information, click or call www.encoreweightloss.com • 310.673.5756