Prophet Lorenzo Brunetti (Courtesy Photo)
Powerful prophets will headline the “Changing Winds and Pentecost Fire Revival” at Faith I Am, 645 W. Arbor Vitae St., in Inglewood.
Prophet Jynona Norwood, pastor, will kick-off the services on Sunday, June 2, at 11:45 a.m., with the Pentecost Healing Communion and Pentecost Prophetic Calendar Service. The worship continues at 7:45 p.m. with Prophet Fifi Yorke, who will also preach each night through Wednesday, June 5.

“Prophet Yorke walks under a powerful, life-changing prophetic mantle with the ministry of demonstration,” explained Norwood.

“On Thursday, June 6, at 7:45 p.m., Prophet Rita Womack will highlight the ‘Night of Miracles and Power Accelerated,’” said Norwood. “We encourage you to bring those who are bound and broken to receive healing and the red Pentecost prayer cloth.”

Prophet Israel Love will bring the message at the Prophesy, Healing and Impartation service on Friday, June 7, at 7:45 p.m. Norwood declared, “You will receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence!”
The revival concludes with two services on Sunday, June 9. “At the 11:45 a.m. worship, I will release a vial of Pentecost anointing oil and Kingdom prayer with key instructions,” revealed Norwood.

“Prophet Lorenzo Brunetti, who operates under an apostolic anointing, will close out the revival at 7:45 p.m.,” added Norwood. “He will share a revelation words that will set your house in order!”
The public is invited to attend all services. To learn more, visit Propheticglory.com, Facebook: Jynona Norwood and follow her on Instagram and Twitter. She will also be a guest on Radio Free KJLH-FM on Sunday, June 2, at 4 p.m.