The 10th Council District W.S.C held its 33rd Annual Johnabel Gentry/Geneva Cox Scholarship Awards Luncheon, Saturday, June 30, 2018 at the Proud Bird, honoring Congresswoman Maxine Waters; who was also the keynote speaker. Congresswoman Waters was honored and given the Lifetime Achievement Award for her “Political, Public & Community Services.” A posthumous tribute was also given to the late Geneva Cox one of the original members of the 10th CDWSC. This event was sponsored by Los Angeles World Airport and the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power.
According to 10th CDWSC President Jacqueline Nunn, “Throughout Geneva’s life, she was very energetic, devoted and committed to the 10th CDWSC.” Prior to her passing in recognition of her dedication and loyalty, the Johnabel Gentry Scholarship has been renamed the Johnabel Gentry /Geneva Cox Scholarship Awards. For 33 years, this program has provided financial assistance to high school students in the 10th Council District.
The luncheon kicked off with the dynamic ABC7 Anchor Leslie Sykes as our mistress of ceremonies. She was recognized for her Outstanding Community Involvement.
Entrepreneur and Author nine-year-old Kinyah Bean stole the show with her video presentation (from Memphis, Tennessee) thanking the 10th CDWSC for recognizing her. Kinyah encouraged the graduates to consider entrepreneurship. Vice President of Guest Relations and ADA Compliance of the Music Center, Carolyn Van Brunt was simply outstanding as she performed to the track of Brenda Russell’s “Expect A Miracle”. COO of the Music Center Howard Sherman and his staff were in the attendance in support of Ms. Van Brunt. Live entertainment was proved by the Modern Jazz Duo.
Congresswoman Maxine Waters encouraged our graduates to follow their dreams and go for the gold. She congratulated them on a job well done. She indicated that we must embrace these students as they are our future. She also briefly addressed the Immigrant Issue, stating that no child should be taken from their parents.
Over the years, the congresswoman has attained international stature for her commitment to human rights, social justice and economic equity for all people. Congresswoman Maxine Waters gave a passionate speech about her long time friend Geneva Cox, who passed away on February 10, 2018. She impacted many South Los Angeles residents as David S. Cunningham, Jr’s senior field deputy. She was also one of the co-founders, lifetime member and historian of the 10th CDWSC.
One of this year’s scholarship recipients is Gianna Mack (the granddaughter of the late John Mack), she was given the first scholarship awarded in the name of our founder David S. Cunningham, Jr. she will receive a $1,000.00 in scholarship funds, a Dell laptop computer; donated by Los Angeles City Council President Herb J. Wesson, Jr. and a copy of Kinyah Bean book “Chillin My Way To Success.” Gianna Mack graduated from LACES magnet High School; she will be attending Loyola Marymount majoring in African-American Studies.
Another $1,000.00 award was given in the name of Gladys Wesson (she was the mother of LA City Council President Herb J. Wesson) to Kennedy Haywood, a graduate of Dorsey High School; he will be attending UCLA majoring in Business & Economics. Gladys Wesson was a lifetime member of the 10th CDWSC.
Our three other recipients were Joanna Juarez, from Dorsey High school; will attend UCLA majoring in Business/Economics, Kyle LaFlora from Dorsey High school; will attend Tuskegee University majoring in Engineering and Canaan Freeman from Dorsey High school; will attend Colorado State University; majoring in Business. All recipients were given scholarship funds a Dell laptop computer and a copy of Kinyah’s book “Chillin’ My Way Too Success.”
Donations are still being accepted throughout the year at www.10thcdwsc.org/donate or PayPal (jackienunn@sbcglobal. To learn more, visit www.10thcdwsc.org or https:vimeo.com260154452. YouTube link: https:www.Youtu.be/xpqJmdiT2zE. Without the support of our sponsors this awards luncheon would not have been possible. Thank you so much!