Jimmy Pena DVD

By Cora Jackson-Fossett
Sentinel Religion Editor

Jimmy Peña, best-selling author, exercise physiologist and founder of prayfit.com, has released ‘Prayfit 33-Day Total Body Challenge,’ a workout system for a healthy body and strong spirit, available on DVD and Digital Download.

“Jesus gave us 33 years,” said Peña and he encourages viewers to “give Him 33 minutes for 33 days for a healthier, more abundant life.” Peña’s clients have included Tyler Perry, Mario Lopez and LL Cool J, and their bodies are a testament to the potential of his technique.

The Sentinel recently interviewed Peña to learn more about his unique program.

LAS: What is the goal of the DVD?
JP: The goal of the Prayfit 33 DVD, along with the community at Prayfit.com, is to simply help people of all ages create long-lasting habits of focusing on their health as a means of praise; all in the privacy and comfort of their homes.

The Prayfit 33 is for everyone. No matter your level of experience, everyone has a “best effort” and that’s the only requirement.

LAS: What factors led to writing producing and developing this project?
JP: After publishing my master’s thesis, I had the fortune of either contributing to, co-authoring or authoring five bestsellers and I have been on the newsstands every month since 1999.

But, all of that was only to prepare me for what we’re doing at Prayfit. You see, churches, communities, and schools are suffering physically at an alarming rate, and it all starts in the heart and at home.

Indeed, we were blessed that our first book project was successful; however, we needed an additional, powerful resource for the at-home exerciser. And so with the great people of Lionsgate, we created the concept of the Prayfit 33 DVD.

We chose 33 days as a way to honor the life of Christ, but also because as a clinical exercise physiologist, I know that a month-long program is phenomenal at creating long-lasting habits and physical change.

LAS: What are some of the topics covered in DVD?
JP: In bite-size portions, we help the viewer see health from the inside out; that we don’t strive to be healthy in order to be loved by God, we strive to be healthy because we are. And that’s the paradigm shift we’re hoping families, individuals and churches begin to embrace. We see the incredible weight loss, muscle tone improvements, strength increases and higher endurance as byproducts of obedience. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak. Prayfit 33 aims to change that.

LAS: Is the DVD non-denominational or is it aimed at a particular faith-based group?
JP: The Prayfit 33 DVD is a non-denominational, biblically based program. In fact, we’re being invited by churches, businesses and families across denominations to speak and share how they can recapture abundant life in 33 days.

LAS: How can people obtain this product?
JP: The DVD is available on Amazon, ITunes and sold in retail stores, including Walmart.

LAS: What future projects are you planning?
JP: There will be more books, DVDs and products, but at the moment, the critical factor is helping individuals and families realize that health is important to God, to family and to every facet of life. The Prayfit 33 is the resource that can jump-start that awareness, helping everyone who watches live abundantly as designed.