The reasons why the vast majority of Blacks don't like gays are not only multifaceted, but transcend contemporary issues and arguments surrounding the recently passed Proposition 8 that bans gay marriage in California. Ancient Africa is home to Prophet Moses, the first architect of the greatest book ever written, the Holy Bible. It's also the home to enduring scientific discoveries in surgery, medicine, and related disciplines that benefit us all to this very day. African-based aversions to same-sex unions in connection with these genres of science and the Bible have in turn given birth to geo-political and socio-economic implications. In short, comparing the gay White effort of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community to the historic African American civil rights struggle is to reduce the precious, enriched Black culture–the Black Movement itself–to a degrading, offensive, act of sexual gratification. Frankly, this author finds the juxtaposition unconscionable.

THE BIBLE AND BUGGERY: "Buggery" is defined as anal intercourse between two males. The God-inspired African Moses condemned "buggers" to death. (Lev. 18:22; 20:13) The inspired apostle Paul, another Man of (Dark) Color (Acts 21:37, 38), also consigned gay men to death if they refused to discontinue their homosexual activities. (1 Cor. 6:9-11) Today, although Blacks seem to gravitate toward the Bible more than any other segment of the human family (see my April 17, 2008, Sentinel article, "The Bible: Blacks' Best Book?") England's Buggery Act of 1533 shows that Europeans had strong feelings against homosexuality as well. This act "was the first civil legislation applicable against sodomy in the country…having previously been dealt with by ecclesiastical courts. The law defined buggery as an unnatural sexual act against the will of God and man." The civil penalty? Hanging. I strictly condemn violence against those with a different sexual orientation in the strongest terms, and not just because my own daughter (who I have the greatest love for) is a lesbian. Violence is immoral and is simply not an option. Still, I am not one to water down the truth. Buggery, says the Bible, is bad.

SCIENCE AND SISSIES: And then there's the myth of the "gay gene." Scientists have yet to find it. The following serious of questions might suggest they never will: Is there a "heterosexual" gene? Are there different facets of the supposed "gay" gene? I mean, is there an "I-prefer-fellatio" type gay gene as opposed to "I-insist-on-sodomy" type gay gene? Or perhaps there's a "combo" gay gene? And, since we're talking about same-sex unions, is there a further subcategory of the elusive "gay" gene that could be termed the "pedophile" gene? Or is this "gay" gene imbued with intelligence thus enabling it to be sensitive to the local laws of the land? Is there a "lesbian" gene? What about a "bisexual" gene? Could it be said that a hermaphrodite has the "bisexual" gene? Is there a "transgender" gene?

When I debated a panel of gay and lesbian professionals for three years straight at West Hollywood's Gay Pride Parade sponsored by what was then 92.3 The Beat's "Street Science" with Dominique DiPrima, no one was able to answer even one of the above questions. (When Dominique asked one scientist from a prestigious medical institute in San Francisco who she held in the wings by phone if I was correct in stating that scientists have yet to identify a gay gene, he simply answered, "yes." The massive crowd of gays, lesbians, and others who gathered in front of the WeHo Lounge was crushed.)

UNEQUAL MINORITIES: The LGBT community is not a "minority" as is the African American community. Blacks are a racial minority whereas the LGBT community amounts to a numeric minority. To put it in perspective, billionaires are a numeric minority, but that doesn't mean they don't have clout. During Apartheid in South Africa, Whites were a numeric minority, but they obviously were in control. This is not the case with Blacks in America. There simply is no comparison. Moreover, as I quoted one magazine in my book, Are Gays Really "Gay"?-A Sociological, Scientific, and Theological Analysis (1994; now of out print), "Homosexual business people know that the 'gay' world is not poverty-stricken. Not long ago After Dark, an American magazine slanted for a homosexual reading audience, reported that its subscribers had a median income of $18,000. [This was well above the average of the general population at the time.] Sixty-three percent were college graduates and over 70 percent owned stocks, bonds or mutual funds shares. Some 40 percent had traveled to Europe in the previous five years."

SIN AND SICKNESS: Is HIV/AIDS a curse that God has visited upon the gay community? In his infinite wisdom, Almighty God hasn't seen fit to fire off an email to me with the answer. (Imagine that.) However, if what he did to the Philistines as recorded in his Major Email to everyone–the Holy Bible–is any indicator, it's possible. When these enemies of the Israelites stole the Ark of the Covenant, God "smote them with hemorrhoids." (1 Samuel 5:6; 21st Century King James Version) "But these were enemies of God," you protest. "People in the LGBT community are God's children too," you continue. "Surely he wouldn't do this to his own people, would he?" Well, hold on to your hankie: Yes, he would–if they were disobedient. "The LORD will smite thee with the boils of Egypt," the Israelites were told, "and with the hemorrhoids." (Deut. 28:15, 27) Ouch. So, as to the question of whether or not God would punish gays with AIDS; well, I wouldn't put it past him. Oh, and please resist the temptation to say that what HIV/AIDS is to the gay community sickle-cell anemia is to the Black community. First off, it's not a sin to be Black–at least not in God's eyes. Second, most people in the world who has sickle-cell anemia are not Black.

As stated in Wicked Words: Poisoned Minds–Racism in the Dictionary, "In a front page article dealing with sickle-cell anemia, the Los Angeles Times, January 31, 1995, had this to say concerning the origins of the disease: "'Sickle cell anemia is an inherited disease that is most common among people whose ancestors came from Africa, the Middle East, the Mediterranean basin and India.' The World Health Organization says that worldwide, 250,000 babies are born every year with sickle cell. It's estimated that about 72,000 blacks have the disease in the U.S. This is an infinitesimally small amount when you consider that there are 30 million blacks in the U.S."

"EIGHT IS ENOUGH!": Voters who voted yes on Proposition 8 say that that should have ended the debate on the illegitimacy of gay marriage. "Eight is Enough!" is their resounding cry. "Leave the courts out of it," they say. "The people have spoken. Prop 8 is great!" Your comments, criticisms, observations, and wailings are invited. Amen.