There was a time when Jesus was told about the Galileans who were massacred (A.D. 26-36) by Pontius Pilate, a cruel and violent man. (Josephus Antiquities 18.55-36). He had repeated conflict with the Jews. On this occasion, he had executed some Galilean rebels while they were in Jerusalem offering sacrifices.
The Roman garrison was strategically stationed from a vantage point where they could see everything that was going on. Those who knew of this activity reported it to Jesus. It seems they want Jesus to react to this because the Jews believed that people suffered because of their sins.
When they were criticizing the bad behavior, Jesus’ replied (Luke 13:1) “Do you think these massacred Galileans were worse sinners than all the other because they suffered in the massacre? No! But unless you repent you will perish too!”
To highlight his example, He cites the example of a structural catastrophe. He teaches that judgment is universal based on His judgment. They were at the wrong place at a time when catastrophe hit. So, here we are today when fires are raging, killing people, burning their homes and whatever may come in the path! This is the message: repent or perish; turn or burn!
We do not have the omniscient wisdom to lay blame. But we are all without excuse because many have been hurt and properties damaged and destroyed during these last few days. I heard several people saying, “It’s like a war zone;” “It’s like the apocalypse!”
The Almighty All Knowing God knows what is going on. What has happened with the raging fires doesn’t go ignored or unnoticed by His all-seeing eye, His all-hearing ear, and all-knowing mind. This is a warning and a sign for those of us who know Jesus Christ to spread the word, watch and pray. Do not faint or grow weary. Remember the Lord’s words to Joshua.
He said, “Be strong, be of good courage. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you and will never forsake you” (Joshua 1:8). Do not allow your faith to waver. Be steadfast and immovable always abounding in the work of the Lord (I Cor. 15:58).
He further says to us, “I am your shield and your protection, a very present help in time of trouble.” He is our rock. Do not waver. Hold fast. Be not afraid. His Holy Spirit is in you, with you, and all around you. We know these things shall come to pass because He told us we believe what He has already told us in His Holy Scriptures.
Let our enemies flee from us and let them be terribly afraid. Remember what the Lord said – He will make our enemies flee before our very eyes, melt as wax before a fire, flee like tiny grains of sand like chaff in the wind. We will look for them and they will be gone.
You remember what the men said to Abraham and Sarah? “In a short season of time, you will have a blessed child from your own loins, not a child from your servant. Both laughed.” I tell you God is real. He is “The Deal” unlike none other.
You remember the certain man who had two sons, one younger who had left home; had foolishly spent his inheritance? He came to himself and remembered the love of his father and all that went with that love. He put a ring on his son’s finger and sandals on his feet. For he was no longer a slave to sin but released no longer as a dead man.
What did he do? He confessed his wrongdoing. He repented. And what did his father say, “This my son was dead, but is now alive. They all began to make merry!” If you have anything in your life and you want change; start with yourself first by agreeing with the word of the Lord and then continue fervently in prayer seeking the change you’re seeking.
Thanks for reading! Jeanette Grattan Parker is the founder-superintendent of Today’s Fresh Start Charter School, 4514 Crenshaw Boulevard, L.A. 90043. For information, call 323-293-9826 or visit www.todaysfreshstart.org, Ask Dr. Jeanette TM “Inquiring Minds Want to Know.” All articles are copyright. All rights reserved © Questions? Errors? Let me know. Join Sundays for music and message at 11:30 a.m. by calling (712) 775-8971, code 266751. References: The Companion Bible, The Original Aramaic New Testament in Plain English with Psalms & Proverbs, The MacArthur Study Bible, “Chronological Life of Christ” by Mark Moore.